Shiv Puran episode 70 Which type of Shiva devotees are you? @sartatva

1 year ago

Shiv Puran episode 70 Which type of Shiva devotees are you? @sartatva

Lord Shiva’s explanation to Daksha about his devotion to his devotees, the superiority of the wise devotee, and the unity of the three gods, Daksha’s completion of his sacrifice, all the gods and others leaving for their places, the conclusion and glory of the Sati section Brahma says - Narada! In this way, Lord Vishnu, me, the gods the sages and other people praised Mahadev very much. Then Shambhu looked at all the sages, gods and others with a compassionate glance and consoled me Brahma and Vishnu and said to Daksha in this way. Mahadev said - Prajapati Daksha! Listen to what I say. I am pleased with you. Although I am the lord of all and independent, I always remain under the control of my devotees. Four types of virtuous people worship me. Daksha Prajapati! Among those four devotees, the latter is better than the former. They are first afflicted, second inquisitive, third seeker of wealth and fourth wise. The first three are ordinary-class devotees. But the fourth has its own special importance. Among all those devotees, the fourth wise one is dearer to me. He is considered my form. There is no one dearer to me than him, I say this truthfully. I am self-knowledgeable. The scholars who have gone beyond the Vedas and Vedanta can know me by knowledge. Only those who are dull-minded try to attain me without knowledge. The foolish human beings who are under the influence of karma can never attain me by Vedas, sacrifices, charity and penance. Therefore, Daksha! Today you know me as the supreme lord by intelligence take refuge in knowledge and do your work with a calm mind. Prajapati! You also listen to my other things with good intelligence. I also reveal this secret mystery about my qualified form in front of you from the point of view of religion. I am the supreme cause of the world as Brahma and Vishnu. I am the soul, lord and witness of all. I am self-luminous and without attributes. O sage! Accepting my three-guna Maya, I myself create, sustain and destroy the world by doing those actions according to them by assuming the names of Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra. In that non-dual (without difference) pure me Parabrahma Paramatma only ignorant person sees Brahma, Ishvara and all other beings differently. Just as a human being never thinks that his head and hands etc. are different from him, similarly my devotee does not see any difference between me and all living beings. Daksha! I, Brahma and Vishnu are all essentially one and we are all in the form of all living beings - understanding this, he who does not see any difference among us three gods attains peace. The wicked who keep a difference between us three gods definitely stay in hell as long as the moon and stars remain. Daksha! If someone being a Vishnu devotee will criticize me and my devotee will criticize Vishnu then you will get all those curses given to you by both of them and they will never be able to attain knowledge of reality. Brahma says - O sage! Hearing this pleasant word of Lord Maheshwar, all the gods, sages etc. were very happy at that time. Daksha along with his family became eager for Shiva's devotion with great pleasure. Those gods etc. also knowing Shiva as the lord of all got engaged in the worship of Lord Shiva. Whoever had praised Lord Shambhu in whatever way, satisfied Shambhu gave him a boon in that way. O lord of sages! Then with the permission of Lord Shiva, pleased Daksha completed his sacrifice with the grace of Shiva only with the help of Ritviks. He gave a share to the gods as well as to Shiva also gave a full share. He also gave donations to Brahmins! In this way, he got the grace of Shambhu. In this way, a proper description of that great deed of Mahadev has been done. Prajapati completed that sacrificial act with the help of Ritviks according to the rules.

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