SoulCast - Coherent Resonance and Joy

1 year ago

Hello Soul Family,

I hope this week finds you doing well and that your life if getting better and more magical every day.

On one side of the coin, we are seeing the structures and systems of our world dismantling and collapsing because of the rot that has infected them. The systems that were created to help us, have over time turned into systems that harm us.

As we experience this dismantling of the old structures we need not fear, but rather look at this from the other side of the coins as a new and exciting beginning and an opportunity to create something beautiful and better than what we had before.

This is a time of creativity and fertility so begin to plant the seeds of the new reality that you want to experience. Take the action steps as a symbolic gesture of watering and nurturing the garden of your new life.

As you spend some valuable time with the Creator everyday you will notice that you get extra help from the other side of the veil in accomplishing your heart’s desires.

Also, Mother Gaia is moving into the higher dimension into a higher vibration and if you are not a vibrational match with her you won’t be able to go with her. Stay in the observational view to spare you the stress caused by th dramas that are going on around you and around the world. Mother Gaia will protect and help you if you have the intention of raising your vibration and going with her.

Another thing you are striving for is Coherence where our hearts and minds are in sync with one another. You want to think with your heart and feel with your mind. When you can get to a place of coherence, you are no longer at war within yourself. You can find inner peace when all aspects of yourself, mind, body and soul are working together to achieve your personal goals and aspirations. The preference comes down to the difference between dissonance and resonance within.

If you would like some personal one-on-one assistance, please reach out to me at and we can schedule an appointment for Soul Coaching, Intuitive Counseling or Energy Healing and Clearing.

Also, if you are interested in Getting Healthy, Helping Others and Financially Thriving please email me at and put Healthy and Strong in the subject line. We can then schedule an appointment where I can show you what I’m doing to see if this Opportunity is a good fit for you.

You can find me at:
• Website:
• Questions:
• Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and Truth Social
• Love and Gratitude Jar: Venmo @Soululaire-1

Have a wonderful week of coherent resonance and joy.

Love and Blessings,

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