Guided Meditation for Panic Attacks

9 months ago

Find centeredness and safety during panic with this immersive mindfulness meditation.

🌊 Intro:

In moments of distress, finding a safe, quiet space is your first step.

Sit upright comfortably, or if you feel dizzy, lie down on your back.

Close your eyes or keep them open—it's your choice.

Begin with slow, deep breaths.

🌬️ Breath Focus:

Focus all your attention on your breathing.

Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. Place a hand on your belly to feel it rise and fall.

If racing thoughts intrude, acknowledge them, then gently return to your breath.

Remember, thoughts cannot harm you. You are safe here in this moment.

🌊 Ride the Waves:

Picture anxiety as a wave—it builds, peaks, and dissipates.

Ride each wave with deep breaths and staying present. This too shall pass.

See thoughts and fears as clouds floating away.

Don't engage or judge them.

You have the power to guide your mind. Return to your anchor—the breath.

🌱 Affirmations:

Repeat calming affirmations like "I am OK," "This feeling is temporary," "I've survived this before."

Feel the truth in these words.

Imagine your safe place—a beach, forest, or your comforting bed.

Make it vivid using all your senses.

Here, you are protected.

Seek refuge in this inner sanctuary anytime.

🧘‍♀️ Stay Present:

Stay focused on your breath for 5 minutes or more, feeling the panic subside.

Remember, this tool is always available to center and soothe you.

🌞 Outro:

When you're ready, open your eyes.

Place both feet firmly on the ground and reconnect with your surroundings.

You've navigated another wave.

Well done!

Be kind to yourself, knowing you possess inner strength and tools to ride this out.

You are resilient, and you are going to be okay.

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