9 months ago

We had a rewarding afternoon - music making in the moment.
Spirit of this place we honour you - we might not be singing it in a meadow but... we are singing it. Music is a lovely way to brighten an afternoon - interacting musically brings out different parts of us and sharing harmony fun ! We are now just past the Autumn Equinox and the days will be getting shorter - we shall plan our next session...

Chistine Stevens wrote a lovely poem about the medicine of music.....

The ability to be musical comes from within.
You don't have to play an instrument.
You already Are an instrument.
Music is everyone's birthright.
As a child you explored the world of sound and rhythm.
There is a musical spirit waiting to be discovered in you.
Music is not reserved for the stage.
It can be an every day event in every day places.
It is heard in your heartbeat, your breath, your words.
And shared in Community, Ceremony, Prayer and Fun.
There is a reason we say we Play music.
Music is about Creativity, Playfulness and Expression.
Even if you've been silenced and excluded from music making,
You are still yearning for Music in your Life.
You can create Harmony in your Life.
And connect with the Musical Spirit that allows your Soul to Sing

Blessings for the Equinox, we are in Dorset near Bournemouth and look forward playing and singing with you .
Donations for our workshop is generally £ 20, we shall have max 15 participants, bring your instrument and let us join in melody, rhythm and harmony..and please contact me for any other requirements.

Heike & Shona

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