Joe Biden RAPE Survivor SPEAKS OUT: Tara Reade Invited To Testify To Congress

9 months ago

Joe Biden is a sexual deviant.
Sexual assault survivor Tara Reade is here to detail her allegations against the pervert in chief, Joe Biden.
The 2020 election was rigged.
One of the most successful tools in rigging the election was biased media coverage of real stories.
The Hunter Biden laptop story was suppressed but that wasn't the only one.
Tara Reade claims Joe Biden pinned her up against a wall and sexually assaulted her.
This story along with the Hunter Biden laptop and the Ashley Biden diary were censored by silicon valley and the corporate media.
Currently, Tara Reade is in Moscow overseeing the translation of her book “Left Out When the Truth Doesn't Fit In”.
While in Russia Tara was informed by former U.S. intelligence agents that her life was in danger and that she could also be arrested if she returns home to America.
According to Reade when she came forward with her sexual assault allegations a FISA hearing was held in 2019.
This means the government was trying to violate Tara’s privacy without a warrant.
Reade’s claims what then Senator Joe Biden did to her meet the definition of rape.
After Tara Reade pushed Biden away from her he shook his finger at her and said “You are nothing to me.”
Shortly after the sexual assault, Tara Reade was fired from her job.
In 2019, after Tara Reade came forward, the Deep State threatened her with 20 years in prison.
The legacy media came after her and claimed she was a Russian agent who had a secret Russian boyfriend.
They reported all of this using anonymous sources.
Now, the DOJ is in possession of a sealed indictment against Tara Reade based on bogus Foreign Agent Registration Act violations.
This is all being leveraged against her at the same time Congressman Matt Gaetz has invited her to testify before Congress.
During a recent phone call Congressman Gaetz told Tara Reade he believes her physical safety is in danger.
Joe Biden was a monster to Tara Reade and now Joe Biden is a monster to the entire world.
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