Psychology Facts

8 months ago

Memory: Did you know our brains are wired to remember embarrassing moments more vividly than others? That cringe-worthy school presentation? Your brain can't forget it.
Decision Making: Ever felt FOMO, the fear of missing out, pushing you to make choices you later regret? Peer pressure can lead us down a slippery slope, even when we know better.
Social Influence: Our decisions are often swayed by the size of the group we're in. The larger the group, the more likely we are to conform, sometimes to our detriment. And, social media? It's a breeding ground for echo chambers.
Perception: Our brains play tricks on us. We tend to see what we expect to see, a phenomenon known as perceptual bias. Subliminal messages can subtly influence our behavior too.
Cognitive Biases: Ever held tight to a belief despite evidence to the contrary? That's confirmation bias at play. Hindsight bias makes us feel like fortune-tellers. And the availability heuristic influences our decisions without us even knowing.
Motivation: Procrastination, the art of self-sabotage, is something many of us struggle with. Intrinsic motivation, on the other hand, leads to higher performance.
Personality Traits: Ever noticed that introverts often excel in creative tasks? And while we're on the topic, our personalities aren't set in stone; they can change over time.

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