RTÉ One ads and Continuity | 11 January 2003

1 year ago

6 ad breaks from in between and after Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, the Big Big Movie on 11 January 2003 on RTÉ One.

ID: 059.NR

0:00 - Big Big Movie
0:05 - Birds Eye sponsorship
0:15 - A Paramount Picture screen (with RTÉ program rating)
0:21 - ad break 1
4:58 - ad break 2
8:17 - ad break 3
11:08 - ad break 4
14:20 - ad break 5
18:51 - ad break 6
19:02 - Big Big Movie still (meant to have a voice over?)
19:13 - RTÉ One - Wednesday movie ad
19:44 - ad break 6
23:38 - RTÉ One - The West Wing ad
23:50 - RTÉ One - Ireland's Favourite Channel ad
24:26 - Over on Network 2 ad
24:34 - RTÉ One ident
24:44 - outro

TV Curator BitChute Channel with additional content: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/LKgsFZAkS5dX/

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