6:42 a.m. the morning of the eclipse.. will the fog go away in time?

7 years ago

Connie Marie Stoner wrote:

I don't know how what I am about to say is going to go over.
Heather Hyer lost her life being an ally. This is very sad. I feel for her parents.

However, while I watched the services for Heather, which was broadcast by almost every media station; I also wondered why? Well, I knew why. She was a white woman.

There have been countless black men, women, and children killed since the inception of this country. So let me keep the time frame since Trayvon Martin.There have been so many murders of black children and adults that it's hard to keep track- Not one of those deaths - not one- televised a service. However the grief was met with televised military might - the grief was demonized ( turned into something that was abnormal)

I'm not saying that Heather's death wasn't worthy of grief- I am saying that little-murdered children deserve the same recognition! To stop all programming for Heather should have been done for Tamir Rice, and so many others.

These are some of the thoughts that keep rolling around in my mind.

An Alan Smithee project

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