Disable IT-alert messages

1 year ago

The IT-alert public warning message system is being tested in Italy.

UPDATE: this method worked for me: no message the day of the test!

In this short video I show you two ways to disable the receptions of these messages. Hopefully, by combining these two methods no broadcast message should be received. Once you disable the services the "Public warnings" settings disappears.

Note: this video does not suggest conspiracy theories, etc... I just present you two possible ways to disable these messages if you think are annoying.


- IT-alert: https://www.it-alert.it/en/
- Netguard: https://netguard.me/
- ADB: https://developer.android.com/tools/adb


0:00 Intro
0:30 Other countries and disclamer
0:54 Disabling cell broadcast from the "Public warnings" settings in Android
1:15 Not so easy to disable
1:40 The ADB method
2:21 Checking if the "Public warnings" setting is still present (it's not)
2:29 Notes and questions
2:44 Outtro

#italert #cellbroadcast #android #lineageos #adb #noitalert #noalert

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