Do You Want to Live With a Digital Identification System?

9 months ago

The digital identification system rolled out in the name of Covid was a practice run for what lies ahead unless enough people refuse to comply. Do you need a central authority ensuring that your behaviour is "safe"?

Safety involves staying safe for yourself, for others, for the planet, and all of those entities staying safe for you as well. It requires massive funding channeled via your taxes, to the corporations, government bureaucrats and non governmental organizations all partnering to keep you safe via ensuring that you, and those around you, behave as required.

If this sounds like a dystopian nightmare to you, then it’s absolutely crucial to resist:

- vaccine passports
- carbon credits
- digital IDs
- 15 minute cities

And any other “measure” sold under the guise of convenience/safety. If we allow these plans to take hold, then the click of one switch will ensure infinite obedience: unable to move, to purchase, to save, to speak, to act beyond corporatised rules. This is global fascism - "to keep us safe".

Do you want this "safety"? Or do you want freedom?


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