"Wen Bing Tiao Bian" 2.59, English

11 months ago

"The Differential Diagnosis of Warm Diseases," authored by Qing Dynasty physician Wu Tang.

Chapter 2 - Upper Jiao Section (Section 59):

Part12 - Theory of Nourishing Autumn Dryness and Overcoming Qi:
59. Based on the previous discussion of the theory of autumn dryness, it essentially addresses the issue of the return of dry Qi, which signifies the state of Qi. Because dryness belongs to the Metal element and restrains Wood, and Wood is the offspring of the Fire of Shao Yang, Fire Qi rises again, resulting in symptoms of dryness and heat. As stated in the "Ling Shu," Bing and Ding represent the two Yang aspects of the hand, and Chen represents the two Yang aspects of the foot; Yang Ming itself signifies dryness. Ancient people said, "Dry Qi transforms into Fire," and the classics also say, "Under the influence of Metal dryness, Fire Qi takes hold," both of which illustrate this point.

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