MR. NON-PC - You Don't Give A Damn...Quit Virtue Signaling!

9 months ago

This one goes out to all the "PC-Peepz" who just looooooooooove gobbling their PC-POOP (politically correct POOP) and can't stop virtue signaling about dumb crap that they really don't give a damn about!

And the "virtue signaling" is not just limited to "LibTurd" PC-Peepz...there's plenty of "Cuckservatives" as well that just loooooooooooove pretending like the care, when you know and I know that their asses don't give a damn! Ahahahah!!!

Why can't they just be honest and real with everyone, and more importantly themselves?

But hey, they'd rather gobble that PC-POOP right? They'd rather be about "the current thing" right? They'd rather live a life of total fraud, rather than live an honest and truthful existence.

Stand on your own....don't be a part of the "current thing"

And call out these fools and tools who just love virtue signaling!

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