Brain injury (with blown pupil) healed | Ken W • Quantum Healing testimonial

1 year ago

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This is just one of the testimonials Ken W has received so far.

Initially trained in sound healing, Ken W always sensed a greater truth behind everyday happenstances and phenomenon. In search for that "truth", Ken realised the whole universe is nothing more than a construct from our own perception. Simply by changing one's own perception, the illness or disease could no longer stay in a human's body.

Stepping beyond the realm of sound healing, Ken reckoned the most effective way of healing is simply the use of "intentions". During healing sessions, the universe always conveys the exact visuals or information (or healing "codes") that Ken needs to know at the very moment - in order to facilitate healing for that client. Simply with Ken's pure intentions of healing and love, healing outcomes unfold in the most magnifient and miraculous ways.

As a healing facilitator, Ken's work is targeted at healing any conceivable ailments and diseases on this planet - ranging from removing tumours, correcting spines. Anything physical, emotional, mental and spiritual for humans or animals. It could be done either remotely or face-to-face.


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