benefit of bananas'

1 year ago

1. Rich in Nutrients
Bananas are a great source of
essential nutrients. They are
particularly rich in potassium,
vitamin C, vitamin B6, and
dietary fiber.
2. Heart Health
The high potassium content in
bananas plays a significant
role in maintaining heart
health. It helps regulate blood
3. Digestive Health
Bananas are rich in dietary
fiber, both soluble and
insoluble. Soluble fiber helps
slow down digestion and
keeps you feeling full, while
insoluble fiber supports
regular bowel movements and
can prevent constipation.

5 Health Benefits o
Sugurt (Dahi)
1 Bone health
Curd is a nutrient-dense food, providing
essential vitamins and minerals like calcium,
vitamin B12, potassium, and magnesium.
These nutrients are crucial for bone health,
immune function, and overall well-being.
2 Good protein source
Curd is a good source of high-quality protein,
making it an excellent addition to a balanced
diet. Protein is essential for muscle
maintenance, repair, and overall growth.
3 Digestive health
Curd is a natural source of probiotics, which
are beneficial bacteria that support a healthy
gut microbiome. Probiotics are essential for
proper digestion and can alleviate digestive
issues such as diarrhoea and constipation.
4 Boosts immunity
The probiotics found in curd can help
strengthen the immune system. A healthy gut
microbiome is closely linked to a robust
immune response, as it helps the body fight
off harmful pathogens and infections.
5 Weight management
Including curd in diet can be beneficial for

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