世卫组织允许自己犯了一些根本不应该犯的错误,mRNA 疫苗的 DNA 污染超出允许限度 200-350 倍,监管机构无视自己的规则并继续推荐这些疫苗!

1 year ago

The WHO has allowed itself to make some mistakes that it should never happened, with the DNA contamination of the mRNA vaccines being 200-350 times above the permitted limit and the regulators ignoring their own rules and continuing to recommend these vaccines!

世卫组织允许自己犯了一些根本不应该犯的错误,mRNA 疫苗的 DNA 污染超出允许限度 200-350 倍,监管机构无视自己的规则并继续推荐这些疫苗!

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