Once Saved Always Saved: Either Jesus Took Away the Sin of the World, or He Didn't.

11 months ago

The awful truth is most Christians today are unregenerate workers of iniquity. They don’t believe that Jesus’ sacrificial death actually took away the sin of the world. They refuse to believe that the sin of a believer has been taken away and separated from the believer as far as the East is from the West.

There's no middle ground. Either Jesus’ sacrifice took away the sin of the world, or it didn’t. Either His blood covers sin or it doesn’t.

This video is part one of a two-part video from a slightly edited Zoom recording of the May 10, 2023, Weekly Bible study.

Paul’s Gospel is teaching Scriptural truths that are ignored in Christendom's mainstream churches or unknown in Bible studies. If you are being instructed, edified, and assured by the teachings in these videos, please copy and pass along the links or download and share the videos.

Use the comment section below the video to respond with comments and questions regarding the teachings. Send an email to Paulsgospel@comcast.net for information on how to attend the Weekly Bible Study, or on how to virtually attend the study via Zoom.

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