To Win A War, At Times You Have To Play Both Sides To Take Them Down

1 year ago

I knew who Fauci was long ago with the HIV. He was only put in the limelight by the white hats to expose him, to the people. It has to be by the people or nothing is learned. As far as the vax, did you notice it was done right before he was getting out of office? Follow this war tight I noticed it right away. The deep state, white hats have their game book, always has. They knew what their plan was, to rig the election, get one of their members in (all had to be done so we learn). They were going to lock down the people to up to 5 years. By then, most would be dead due to suicide, hunger, losing everything, etc. When the 5 years was done, then the kill shot, a big kill shot was going to come out to really de-populate the world. Everyone would beg for it, sick of living the life they are living. This is not new, evil leaders been using this tactic for 100s of years. So, what they did is said they had a vax. it was a military war block on the deep state. Now, they could not lock people down, or have a reason. Deep state freaked out ! It foiled their plan so they had to go to plan B. Such as force it, big bonuses to doctors and hospitals in debt due to fake pandemic. Actually the warp speed shot was not dangerous, it was HCQ, Ivermectin, Vit C, zinc etc. But that is not what Big pharma was making when Trump left. Remember big pharma has paid billions in lawsuits through the years. Court cases you never heard in public. If they stopped big pharma too soon, nothing would have happened to them, slap on the hand. NO, they had to go down for good, and you have to let them do the crime, you just do things to save as many lives as you can and as few get hurt when it comes to war, because people get hurt in war, that is the way it is. People had to learn who they were, not only big pharma .. CDC, FDA and more had to go down for good. Not an easy task. And yes Trump always said. It is your choice. So he had to create a way he was playing the game so no red flags went off on deep state, yet give people the choice.

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