The Great Alignment: Episode #19 THRIVE THROUGH CANCER

10 months ago


There is a growing awareness that e-motions cause dis-ease inside of us, and sometimes can even lead to experiencing cancer.

What happens when we slow down long enough to tune into those messages?

Join us as we hear Johanna share her story of THRIVING through cancer.

After dealing with her own crippling addictions, abusive relationships, stage 3 cancer and suicidality, in 2017 Johannah started her path of true healing.

By learning to address the root cause of the cancer, the alcohol abuse and toxic relationships, she had to meet herself in the places she had avoided for decades. Waking up the fact that her soul was speaking through her body, she was able follow inner guidance into healing her history of abandonment from adoption, religous trauma, sexual abuse and narcissism in her family lineage.

Johannah Conant is a Tantric Embodiment Guide and Sacred Earth Medicine facilitator with extensive experience as a Masters level mental health therapist, serving in acute psychiatric settings to addressing addictions and trauma in community based therapy. She has studied Ayurveda, is a Reiki II practitioner and teaches Bowspring, a functional movement modality.

She now resides in the lush jungles of Costa Rica and serves clients internationally in returning home to the truth that resides in their bodies through coaching, in-person medicine ceremonies and group and individual retreats. It is because of her own range of life experiences that she creates a powerful intuitive emotional connection and holds a sacred container for every client that she serves. She has met herself in the depths of her own darkness so that she may serve as a guide to bring you back to your light. Together, you will come back into remembrance of your holy temple- this body that holds the wisdom and power that has been lost through suppression, conditioning and trauma. Her work and life are in devotion and dedication in service of the Great Mother, the Divine feminine force.

Carole Maureen Friesen, The Body Whisperer, is the World’s leading expert in Psychosomatic Therapy. She has had the honor of working with the founder, Hermann Muller, since 2001. A sought-after keynote speaker, bestselling author and an award-winning trainer, Carole charms her audience with her unique blend of body language, face reading, wisdom and candid humor. Carole is a Canadian living in Costa Rica since 2017 and opened Heaven and Earth Sanctuary Retreat Centre on Mt Chirripo. Spend a few minutes in Carole’s presence and feel your body come alive!

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Kelly Love is Master Level trained in Psychosomatic Psychology and currently in her Teaching Diplomacy, she's also been trained in integrative trauma release, embodied healing arts and Reiki. Kelly's love, dedication and passion for her work was birthed from becoming the victor over her own complex trauma experiences. She combines her "School of Hard Knocks" experience and professional training to guide others into courageously seeing their truth, radically aligning to love, and rising into their Soul's expression. It's time to get in touch with your body and your nature, because this is where your power is at.

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