MoCo Resistance: Episode 14 - September 24, 2023 "Parents Fighting Back"

9 months ago

- Parents Fighting Back -

Parents all over the world are coming together to fights against the sexualization of education and the forced transgender curriculum in public schools. In this episode, we delve into the direct indoctrination by MCPS on teachers. A LEAKED VIDEO SHOWS HOW MCPS IS COERCING ITS TEACHERS TO INDOCTRINATE the students on transgenderism, literally telling them how to destroy family values and the nuclear family.

We also interview Greg Visscher from Cleanstalemoco on what's going with the US Bond market, MCPS accountability, and next steps for fighting the information war against the bought and paid for local media.

1. Current events
- parents fighting back
- conservatives vs liberals
- depopulation
- invasion
- Trump leading polls
- MCPS failing our children
- Economy in freefall
2. Interview: Greg Visscher


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