God Had This Plan All Along ❤️🔥🇮🇱 #shorts #thewholebible #bible

8 months ago

Israel Is Returning Home To Their Father's Land

Jesus told how the Good Shepherd leaves the 99 to go after that one lost sheep.
Israel's population is that 1 percent, and the Good Shepherd is bringing that lost one home to the Father's land.
Then Jesus told the greatest short story ever (Charles Dickens said so), and talked about the son who left his Father, and wanted nothing to do with him anymore. He set out and went off to a far away land, and lived a life away from his father. When that son spent all of his inheritance, he lost all of his so-called friends.
Then a severe famine came, and he was starving. One of those foreigners gave him a job feeding the pigs. He was so hungry, that even the pig slop, the stinky pig food was what he ate - This is like the Jewish people during the Holocaust.
Then, he finally came to his senses and planned to RETURN TO HIS FATHER'S LAND.
He thought that he was better off as a hired servant for his father than what he was doing now. So, he planned on telling his father sorry, and humbled himself to return home.
The Father, saw him from a far away distance, even before he came all the way home.
The Father was filled with compassion for his lost son, and he began to bless him and started a big celebration feast for his returning son.
Meanwhile, the other son was in the field harvesting and he heard the sound of the celebration.
When he found out the Father was welcoming his lost son home, he began to get angry, and he argued with his father about this.
But his father said to him, ‘Son, you have always been with me, and all that is mine is yours. But we had to celebrate and rejoice, because this brother of yours was dead and has begun to live, and was lost and has been found.’” (Luke 15:31,32 NASB)
Many churches today hate the nation of Israel!
Because they are like that other son who was envious and he did not want him returning home.
The Father has made it very clear in His word, that Israel will be saved! Romans chapter 11, and many other places make that clear.
So, churches who call for boycotting, divesting, and sanctioning against Israel are going against the will of the Father.

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