"The Unforgivable" (2021) Directed by Nora Fingscheidt #moviereview #filmreview

11 months ago

It was a cold, overcast and rainy Sunday morning as the alarm chirped, randomly, to “Everything in its right place” by Radiohead. Two hours later, and after watching the first of a number of films perfectly suited to sheltering from the April showers of a Sunday in the UK, the film ended with “Everything in its right place” by Radiohead.

What, was, that you tried to say?

What I’m trying to say is that you’d be forgiven for thinking I’d risen from my slumbers and decided, yet again, to venture into the darkness of identity loss and was lucid dreaming with Tom Cruise, Penelope Cruz, Cameron Diaz and Kurt Russell in the criminally unloved Cameron Crowe directed Vanilla Sky from two decades ago, and I’d forgive you. Instead, I was loving a Netflix release from two years ago entitled The Unforgivable starring Sandra Bullock, Vincent D’Onofrio, Richard Thomas, Viola Davis and the magnificent John Bernthal and whilst the film was veering away ever so slightly from a tight, brilliantly portrayed and deliberately unapologetically grim tale, cue a piano recital of this Radiohead gem, a surprising twist, and everything was indeed in its right place after all.

The above is a brief extract from my spoiler free review of "The Unforgivable" which I originally penned and published to my Medium blog site on 2nd April 2023


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