9/29/23 The Problem of the Tribulation "The Prophecies of Daniel" part 5 S3E8p5

9 months ago

“The Problem of the Tribulation”
Something’s Happening Here is finishing the week with a study of Daniel chapter 9. Here we will discuss the historicist and futurist views on the chapter, and hopefully come to see the clear superiority of one over the other. Additionally, the starting point for the 70-week prophecy, given in Daniel 9:25, is also the starting point for the 2,300 day prophecy in chapter 8 (a point we failed to make in this show, despite our intentions). Want to know more? Leave a comment and someone from Talking Donkey International will be sure to follow up with you.

"The Prophecies of Daniel" Part 5: 9/29/23
For our eighth episode of Season Three, we keep our Prophecy Hats on all week long, to answer a prophetic-looking meme with a right understanding of the prophecies in the Old Testament book of Daniel.

Season 3 Episode 8
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