Rabbi Says 7 Billion Goy Must Die

11 months ago

Or 6 Billion or 1,.. Religious Zealots Are The Most Dangerous Human Threat Through Out Time. Any Of These Religions That Regard A Book Written By Men As The Ultimate Truth & Authority Of "God", And Then Act Out Their Beliefs Against Other Men In The Name Of That Imagined Authority In Violation Of Natural Human Rights & Natural Law Are Quite Frankly Insane. Anyone Who Uses Scriptures Of The Bible Versions, Torah, Talmud or Quran, or Science, To Enforce Their Will Upon Others By Any Claimed Authority, God, or Church, or State, Are Mentally Unstable. I Don't Care What You Believe, You Have The Freedom To Believe What You Want.
You Do Not, However, No Matter What Religion You Claim, Have The Right To Force Your Beliefs On Others. As For Christians. Real Christianity Is About A Personal Relationship In Christ. Not About Following The Doctrines of The Church or The Perceived Meanings Of A Book, Or Some Guy On A Soap Box Telling You How You Are Going To Hell Lest Ye Change Your Ways To His Ways. The So Called Preachers That Use Scripture As a Bludgeon To Judge and Try And Control Others Behavior, Are No Better Than These Stinkin' Jews That Think They Are Better Than Everyone Else And Openly Talk about and Carry Out Killing of Others In The Name Of Their God Of Is Ra El, Or In The Illusion Of Being Some Superior Race. These Kazi Jews Are The NAzi's Too by The Way. Both Sides Controlled Always. Any Questions, Look At What They Believe, It's The Same Ideology.
There's Is a Reason These Shits Had No Home And Were Kicked Out Of Every Country In History. It Wasn't Just Their Usury. Click on full screen view in your rumble player. https://fearnotexperience.com And Yes Same Applies To Any Muslims Or Any Others Who Kill In The Name Of Their "God". Even If Your God Is Money.

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