Who is going extinct?

1 year ago

Who is going extinct? Freedom and liberties and constitutional rights fighting American? 💪 🇺🇸 see blacks cry racism and victim hood and yet they are more racist then whites because they are listening to racist race hustlers and white liberals and democrats telling them who to vote for. They are not even defending their own communities from gangs or criminals or tyrannical treasonous traitorous government agencies and law enforcement agencies and politicians. They are still enslaved by the white liberals and kkk democrats and satanic cults and pedophiles trans gender cults and billionaires and Hollywood and music industries cults and big sports industry that have made slaves out of them again by holding the carrots 🥕 of fame and fortune in from of them. Social media has made everyone a star and claimed they can make you rich if you sign your soul away to these sick satanic pedophiles and Trans gender cult members! Wake up ! Stand united and not divided!

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