gringopig's guitar quiz: can you ID the guitars?

3 years ago

I have a suspicion that, when it comes to guitars, we listen with our eyes and not our ears so much.
I always thought it odd that as soon as someone picks up a Fender offset for example, suddenly they are playing all the rinky dinky surfing tunes and when a Les Paul is played it's invariably some 'searing' southern rockâ„¢.

The thing is, you could play jazz on an Explorer, hard rock with a Byrdland (and yes, it's been done) and country with a Jazzmaster (and again, done). It isn't a given that one guitar must play one type of music and nothing else...

So I have stripped it all down. We have 8 guitars. We have one amplifier - a Fender Twin Reverb set to 5 on input 1 of the vibrato channel, a cable and 2 microphones. Each guitar is played without any change to settings and with all volumes and tones set to maximum. A touch of reverb from the amp but no processing or compression was added.

I play one section of chords and go through the pickups from neck to bridge in order for all 8 instruments and then do the same again for a single line phrase. The mathematically inclined will note some anomalies as a head start. There is a random slideshow of all of the guitars too but don't be fooled; it was randomly generated by the encoding program!

Guitars used were:

1. Gibson ES 335
2. Fender Jazzmaster
3. Gibson Les Paul
4. Gretsch
5. SC Relics T-Style
6. Gibson Les Paul Junior
7. Fender Stratocaster
8. Fender Jaguar

The sound samples run from A to H. Match them up with the numbers above as for example:
1 is D etc

Let's see if can rise to the challenge. Answers below in the comments section please!

Visit my website at for more about the test and to submit answers on my website!

I'll have to make a cheat sheet up as you will see it's pretty tricky I think.

Test starts at 01:35

00:00 Intro
00:10 Guitars played listed by number
01:30 Chord Phrase
01:36 Guitar A
02:41 Guitar B
03:44 Guitar C
04:44 Guitar D
06:23 Guitar E
06:45 Guitar F (Note that one pickup combination I used an overdriven version at 07:50 by mistake)
08:11 Guitar G
10:38 Guitar H
11:43 Single note phrase
11:46 Guitar A
12:20 Guitar B
12:54 Guitar C
13:28 Guitar D
14:21 Guitar E
14:33 Guitar F
15:06 Guitar G
16:09 Guitar H

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