Latest JFK JR realease

1 year ago

This is the REAL JFK Jr…. Not the pretty boy as seen on tv with that she male with the adams apple 🍎.. He reveals all the dark times, secrets, the Murders he witnessed of his own family. He witnessed his mothers death first hand, his step fathers, and watched his sister driven insane. This poor man has been through HELL .. Please share this with everyone you know before they try and take it down. Share this ASAP with everyone so they can’t erase it from the web. Also please subscribe … we need the most members we can possibly get to blow this up so big… that the authorities can’t ignore it any more…annd into the public eye… this also protects him personally. You know the dark power this government wields right now. Cancel culture , murders, assassinations, drugs, child trafficking taking out someone where he is wouldn’t be hard for them and unless he’s in the spot light he is vulnerable.
This brave man shows all physical characteristics of a Kennedy, his ears, nose. Exc exactly matches all the photos we have of him as a child. His knowledge of the inner working of the white house and staff is unmatched. He also shows the scars and wounds of past actions and the attempted Murder of him by the mafia while at the hospital.THIS IS HIM.

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