Don't Miss These Astronomy Events In September 2023 | Comet Nishimura | Meteor Shower | Supermoon

1 year ago

Astronomy Calendar September 2023: Must watch events this month

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September 1: Aurigid Meteor Shower
September 4: Jupiter enters retrograde motion
September 6: Moon meets the Pleiades cluster
September 1-8: Comet C/2023 P1 Nishimura
September 12: Moon at Apogee
September 15: New Moon
September 17-18: Last chance to see the comet
September 18: Venus at greatest brightness
September 19: Neptune at Opposition
September 22: Mercury at the highest altitude in the morning sky
September 23: The Fall Equinox
September 27: Conjunction of Moon and Saturn
September 29: Super Corn Moon

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