9/28/23 Out of One of What? A Daniel 8 Conflict "The Prophecies of Daniel" part 4 S3E8p4

1 year ago

“Out of One of What? A Daniel 8 Conflict”
We’re still studying Daniel 8, but today on Something’s Happening Here we’re learning the “preterist” interpretation of this prophecy, and specifically of the “little horn” in verses 9 and 10. Misunderstanding one single word can change the entire prophecy, and lead to conclusions that are not only exegetically wrong, but also politically expedient to the group offering the interpretation.

"The Prophecies of Daniel" Part 4: 9/28/23
For our eighth episode of Season Three, we keep our Prophecy Hats on all week long, to answer a prophetic-looking meme with a right understanding of the prophecies in the Old Testament book of Daniel.

Season 3 Episode 8
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