8 months ago

Day 22 - Vision Board

Have you ever created your own vision board?

It really is a great manifesting tool and it is a great way to stimulate our mind to create thoughts that we put out to the universe.

This is a universal law, what we put out comes back. Our thoughts are stimulated by our experience and our vision board truly can create our thoughts to create our future visions

Our mind is a very powerful filtering system and will block out many many things that come our way.

When we bring focus and attention to an outcome or intention, we create expanded awareness and our body/mind/soul complex work together with the universe to present us with the gifts of information and signs to assist us with our creation

Vision boards can be created in many ways and the best thing about them is that they can continually be adapted and changed

Set the intention as you go through your next few days ask yourself

What do I want on my board? What would go on my board?

Knowing you are in full control, why would you add that to your board?

Focus on many aspects of your life and look through the eyes of every role that you play, dad, brother, son. Does your visions match your highest thoughts?

Create a folder on your phone and add notes, ideas, quotes, book recommendations, and if they still resonate with you, find a way to add to your board

By bringing awareness to these things, they will allow you to receive many answers and always be open to change

Take yourself there with your thoughts and imagine the feelings that appear when you are in the experience

Over the next few days bring awareness to creating your own board There are so many ways to do this, be creative, have fun and see where it takes you

Here is an example of my board from July 2020

Remember what we put out comes back to us in abundance. When we pay attention to our vision every day, we set ourselves up for a magical journey

What stood out for you as something that you wanted on your board?

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