6th August 2017 Contact session between both children & their father at the bowling alley first half

11 months ago

This clip brings the first half of our fith supervised contact session since shared custody disrupted indefinetely just over 2 & half months before. Ayrton & Gabrielle decided at the end of last session to go bowling for this session, & so we went to Cleethorpes bowling alley for a full game. This was their first time bowling in a venue, but they had played several games on their WII at daddys before, which gave them an idea of how it works.

But look at Ayrton & Gabrielle 's adorable reaction as they spot daddy, screaming "daddy" then running towards him & having some adorable sweet hugs, priceless.

On spotting daddy finishing a nectarine as they came by, Gabrielle shares some of her knowledge on this type of fruit, it's family, background, etc.

But wait, how are we supposed to play bowling when we can't even get our shoes on :P. Daddy kept messing around, then Gabrielle didn't get one of her shoes on right, lol.

Eventually, we got on with our game, Ayrton & Gabrielle had some guidance from daddy on how to use the metal guide thingamabob, but did we get any strikes or spares, & who got the most? Keep watching to find out.

We then went next door for lunch at McDonald's, where Ayrton made an excellent choice for drink, we played & messed around with each other throughout, Daddy was teasing them with the chips, quite funny & sweet moment between them.

#supervisedcontact, #justice4abreuonline, #justice4ayrton8gabrielleabreu, #singleparent, #daddygorilladumdum, #fatherhoodbreakdown, #parentalalienation, #humanrights, #falsedomesticabuse, #narcicisticparent, #implacablehostility, #childabuse, #capcut






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