8 months ago

My Dad (may God rest his soul) was a pretty simple, yet amazing man. He had plenty of faults, like all of us, but his heart was generous and giving. My Dad wasn't one to mince words or beat around the bush; what you saw and heard was what you got. One of my Dad's favorite rules to follow was the KISS method - Keep It Simple Stupid; offensive to some but truthful to others. We've made everything way more complicated than it needs to be, all, in the name of technology -  artificial intelligence (AI"). The more "advanced" we become, the more we seem to forget about the basics, including in our faith. It's not just society that is to blame; it is our churches, too. They've forgotten the basics. In doing so, many have become wealthy beyond our wildest dreams; yet, we continue to give them our money. Why? Does your pastor greet you going into church and/or coming out? Does he know your name?Let's watch this week's service; getting back to the basics.
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