1 year ago

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Kundalini, Known to the Ancient Egyptians as "Uraeus" , is the bio-physical, spiritual energy in mankind's body/mind complex & consciousness which when awakened & fully activated - enlightens every single aspect of the human organism & consciousness. Kundalini brings us into beautiful states of non causal joy, peace, bliss & ecstasy by completely aligning our consciousness with God. These states of God Intoxication are known by many as "Nirvana" , "Samadhi" , "Christ Consciousness" , "Enlightenment" , As well as "Gnosis" just to name a few. Kundalini offers us the divine gift of proving the existence of God, The Angels, Heaven, Enlightenment, & the absolute fact that there is no Death - & that life is an Eternal & never ending growth cycle of Evolution & Experience.

Experiencing these states of awareness pushes the envelope of human evolution to an entirely new level. This is do to the fact that Kundalini Activates the dormant regions of the Human brain ( The typical Human uses 3 % of his or her brain ) Kundalini Activates our brains to a degree well past 3 % ! Activating the sleeping aspects of our biology is how we achieve evolution of the organism & its consciousness. When aroused , Kundalini has the potential to uncoil itself from the base of the spinal system where it lies sleeping & will travel up the spinal shaft , awakening and activating the energetic centers of the body ( also known as Chakras ) on its upward ascent to the crown Chakra where it then burrows itself within the brain, which in turn fully activates the Pineal Gland ( third eye ). I like to refer to this gland as the Star Gate gland due to the fact that it bridges our consciousness to the various dimensions of the absolute .

To keep things simple - Kundalini is the energy in mankind which when aroused has the potential to fully activate the Merkaba light body field, the Aura, The Meridians ( energy pathways of the human organism ) , The Pineal Gland, & every single aspect of human biology/consciousness. Kundalini will activate the dormant aspects of mans DNA & transmute his old outdated, non stimulated DNA into what I Coined " ANGEL DNA" Through Kundalini we Can experience real Chakra activation and the Developing of the Genius Super Consciousness via the activation of the Dormant regions of the Human Brain/body complex. My mission in life is to help raise the Consciousness of the planet & the people of the world by Inspiring people to seek their own unique Kundalini awakening’s. I believe that through the Activation of Kundalini we can Heal the Planet through activation of the Super Angel DNA , The Merkaba, The Human Auric Field, & the Super Human abilities that come from the Activation of Kundalini Christ Consciousness. Peace be with you all ~

“Our impulses are being redirected. We are living in an artificially induced state of consciousness that resembles sleep. The poor and the underclass are growing. Racial justice and human rights are nonexistent. They have created a repressive society, and we are their unwitting accomplices. Their intention to rule rests with the annihilation of consciousness. We have been lulled into a trance. They have made us indifferent to ourselves, to others. We are focused only on our own gain. Please understand. They are safe as long as they are not discovered. That is their primary method of survival. Keep us asleep, keep us selfish, keep us sedated.” Bearded Man, They Live)

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