No Means No for Women but Not for Men/Boys?

1 year ago

this is a concept that hits really hard now we all know if you have common sense to treat everyone with respect i Z going to type this and if anyone who is human get angry then i just put the worst demon of all in your faces it's YOU if you haven't guess but its ok the west have a very twisted aspect on what respect is sense some people only hang around their own kind, you know who you are but, No should have its standing no matter what gender race, ethnicity. To the people and government who start the believe all women you were not thinking women can say whatever and it seem like do whatever no consequences but when a man says no, they lose it, but we supposed to sit there and let use and other boys get killed for others stupidity and trying to adjust them right. maybe the government shut down those insane asylums because they knew we as the holders of America can put them in it let me know your thoughts in the commets to you boys and men say No and back it up. and don't forget to protect yourself at all times.
#mgtow #pyaat #monkmode #passportbros

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