The CCP forged the signatures on demolition agreements before forcibly tearing down homes in Yunnan

9 months ago

9/22/2023 An online video shows that Mr. Gu, a resident of Xuanwei City, Yunnan Province, claimed that the local government, in his absence, forged his and his parents’ signatures on the demolition agreement and proceeded with the forced demolition. In Communist China, the CCP can take away people's property at any time, as they wish. Only by taking down the CCP can the lives and property of the people be truly protected.
#forceddemolition #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
9/22/2023 网络视频显示,云南省宣威市居民顾先生称,当地政府在他不在场的情况下,在拆迁同意书上伪造顾先生及其父母的签名并实施了强拆。在中共国治下,中共可以随时随地抢走老百姓的财产,只有推翻了中共,老百姓的生命财产才能得到真正的保障。
#强拆 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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