Future Today 230924 – De-banking and the Mark of the Beast! Revelation 13:16-17

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Pastor Rick Lancaster shares a topical message related to Bible prophecy in the series The Future Today. As believers we are not concerned about the Mark of the Beast. It is implemented at the halfway point of the Tribulation, years after Jesus takes us out of here. Even though we are not going to be here, there are things going on that are preparing the world for this terrible event. Rick looks at one possible sign of the future Mark of the Beast.

Rick Lancaster is the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel French Valley in Murrieta, California. For more from Calvary Chapel French Valley, go to http://ccfv.life.

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In His service,
Rick Lancaster
Calvary Chapel French Valley

(951) 757-8663

Greater love has no man than this than to lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

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