HS2 'Crazy' not to review project over soaring costs - Shapps

9 months ago

IMPORTANT: When I spoke about the High Speed Network unto Europe, I meant us (UK) not being a part of it anymore due to Brexit.

The former transport secretary has said it would be "crazy" not to review plans for the HS2 rail link as costs have soared. Grant Shapps told the BBC that the Ukraine war and a spike in inflation mean any government would need to make "serious decisions" on affordability. The BBC understands a definitive decision on HS2 could be made as soon as this week.
The government has so far refused to commit to the current plans.
HS2 is intended to link London, the Midlands and the north of England - the first part, between west London and Birmingham, is in mid-construction.
But the scheme as a whole has already faced delays, cost increases and cuts - including to the planned eastern leg between Birmingham and Leeds.
The last official estimate on HS2 costs, excluding the cancelled eastern section, added up to about £71bn. This was in 2019 prices so it does not account for the spike in costs for materials and wages, for example, in recent months. Speaking to Victoria Derbyshire on the BBC's Laura Kuenssberg programme, Mr Shapps said that no decision on the project's future had been taken as of yet.



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