Government scraps £5m plan to fund school cooking ‘revolution’ less than 2 years after unveiling

8 months ago

The Government has scrapped a £5m plan to fund a “school cooking revolution” just 19 months after it was unveiled, i can reveal. In February 2022, the Government announced plans for a school cooking revolution as part of its levelling up agenda. The scheme aimed to tackle the country’s rising child obesity problem. Around 10 per cent of children aged between four and five in England are obese, with a further 12 per cent considered to be overweight. These numbers rise with age, with 23.4 per cent of children aged between 10 and 11 considered to be obese. Children living in the most deprived parts of England are also far more likely to be obese than those in less deprived regions. In an effort to tackle this issue, the Government’s school cooking revolution aimed to give children the ability to cook at least six healthy recipes that they would be able to leave secondary school with.
The scheme, which had funding set aside for up to £5m, would also pay for new food-based materials for the national curriculum as well as a new pilot to monitor food standards in schools.

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