Carl's Revenge (Skit)||Cringe and Old||READ DESCRIPTION

1 year ago

Okay. You'll probably have a lot of questions after watching this. So I'm here to answer them.

Kinemaster Watermark- The reason that's there is because I made this video when I was sixteen. (I'm going to be nineteen tomorrow) That year, I was using the FREE version of Kinemaster. I now use the PRO version and it got rid of that stupid watermark. So I guess that's a good thing... Let me know in the commemts which version you use.

Older designs- The different designs are a huge indicator that this video is old. A great example of this is that in this video, AJ has brown hair, light blue eyes, and doesn't wear a hoodie. He also acts different in the video. I'll explain more about his big changes in another video. Other examples include the fact that Artie's older design was taken from a background character from a Nickelodeon cartoon and the fact that Logan is much smaller than he is now. The reason why the thumbnail has the current designs is because I deleted the original thumbnail for this video, so I had to go and make a new one. (The original thumbnail looked just as bad as the video itself anyways) I didn't want to make the old designs because they are a red flag.

Crappier editing- Okay, I'll admit. I didn't have the best editing skills when I made this video. I still don't, but they've been improving. I've been trying new ways to improve my videos. So the crappy editing in this video is nothing but a red flag.

Swapped personalities- This one goes specifically to Artie and Carl. The original plan was that Artie would be the nerd and Carl would be the badass. Unfortinately, though, it was getting me nowhere. So, about a year ago, I went back to the drawing board. I finally decided to switch their personalities with each other. And I think it's going better.

Different last name- I kinda gave Carl a different last name when I first made him. It didn't really suit him, so I renamed him to Carlton Castillo. Despite it being a Mexican last name and Carl being an American white boy, I like it.

Logan being scared- This was a HUGE mistake I made. Remember this: Logan does NOT get scared. In the current storyline, Logan has learned to face challenges on his own without relying on his friends to help him everytime. Yes, he does get help from the other boys when he's in a situation he can't tackle on his own, but most of the time, he can handle it. He is Logan Randle after all.

Hope you cried watching this video as much as I did making it. The next video will be better. I can garrentee that.

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