Your TACTACAM REVEAL cellular trail cams WON'T work if you make THIS mistake!!

1 year ago

Don't even ask how we accidentally did this, but just know that if YOU make this same mistake and remove your tactacam reveal cellular trail cam SIM cards and get them mixed up that there is NO way of matching them back up again! And your tactacam reveal cellular trail cams will NOT work with any other SIM cards, they must have the ONE SIM card that was matched up to the camera at the factory. And of course, there is NO way of matching them back up once you remove them and get them mixed up! But fear not, there is a back door way of getting your tactacam reveal cell cams back up and running with a little perserverence!! Best of luck to all of you deer hunters and tactacam trail camera addicts like me!! #tactacam #tactacamreveal #cellulartrailcam #kapperoutdoors #southernillinoisland

OH and speaking of tactacam reveal cellular trail cams, here is a the link to my field comparison between the tactacam reveal and the Spypoint cellular trail cams:

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