Meme's From The Revolution! September 24, 2023

1 year ago

Patriots shared their sentiments as the revolt against the evil forces have reached an accelerated pitch. The leftist, globalist, demonicrat machine, working for centuries to overthrow the United States Republic, are taking a beating from the Patriots voicing their decent with memes! Some of these slides have foul language and adult themes. Be aware the expression of ones sentiments against evil does have a measure of disrespect for evils presence in our lives. We see it as righteous anger for their demonic behaviors.
Join the revolt against evil and its sinister plan to enslave our minds and bodies by sharing this humor against evil with family and friends.

Welcome to the revolution!

God has a plan! Keep your faith in His plan, even in the darkest hours ahead. Defeating evil is no simple task. It does get ugly... BUT... faith will get you through it. Lift your prayers now for wisdom, safety and perseverance for the times ahead! Frens, we were called for a time such as this!

Remember Psalms 46:10 and Ephesians 6:10!

YOU are a child of The King! He grants you the power to overcome evil. Weild that sword of truth and awaken to evils deceit. The truth SHALL set you free!

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