Bonus Episode - Can you Lose the Race?

11 months ago

Welcome to The Race! Through this podcast series Keith and Robert will explore the promise and reality of God's Kingdom.

Like any startup, Keith and Robert have had their share of starts and restarts. We recorded a few episodes that just didn't reach the level that we were hoping for. This episode is one that did, but it got orphaned by other episodes that just couldn't cut it. The subject is intriguing and our discussions are relevant to your journey with Jesus, so we wanted to offer it up as a standalone bonus episode. Some of the topics you will hear in other episodes, but there is enough unique discussion in this episode to make it worth your time. We hope you enjoy.

All of our episodes are available as both podcast and vidcast on YouTube.

Documents for this episode are available on our website at

We invite respectful debate, questions, and comments. Contact Keith and Robert by emailing

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