Greg Hunter's USAWatchdog - Biden Backlash, US Russia War, Economic Warning Signs

1 year ago

Greg Hunter's
Sept 23, 2022
Biden Backlash, US Russia War, Economic Warning Signs
This is the number that explains it all — 9.5% Biden approval rating. No, the Lying Legacy Media (LLM) will not tell you this, but the people at the top know the real approval rating and it’s 9.5%. My private sources that compute this number also are seeing a huge Biden backlash for everything from the Ukraine war, wide open borders, huge inflation, CV19 vax and being forced to think drag queens are really women. These are just a few of backlashes brewing and brewing big.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says, in no uncertain terms, that the “U.S. is waging war against Russia.” Let that sink in. When is the last time you heard this from a Russian Foreign Minister? NEVER. Lavrov is signaling there is a war coming if the U.S. does not stop funneling billions of dollars into Ukraine for unending war against Russia. (Probably a good chunk of that money is being returned to the swamp in kickbacks.) This week, Vice President Biden coughed up another $325 million for more war in Ukraine. Senators on both sides of the swamp have publicly stated this is “a good investment.” America is being run by corrupt, compromised morons, and the Ukraine war more than proves this.

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