How to Create Nationalism and Geography | Changes in World Politics #assignment #casestudy #study

1 year ago

How to Create Nationalism and Geography | Changes in World Politics

Case Study Report

The world politics had drastically changed during the twentieth century. The geopolitical instability had an increase due to Cold War and Imperial decline. (Anderson, 2000) have some arguments suggesting changes in analytical approaches need to be refined regarding the identity restructuring and end of nation state during the previous decades where (Anderson, Brook, & Cochrane, 1995), (Anderson J. , The shifting stage of politics: New medieval and postmodern territorialities, 1996) and (Dittgen, 1999) illustrated this process. Nationalism is often referred as fundamental connection to a territory constantly refers to maps as evidence regarding the existence of a nation. The map often signifies the constant anxiety regarding the territorial loss. The nationalism is normally sensitive towards the borders that define a certain territory.

Table of Contents

Nationalism and Geography:


Theoretical Framework:



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