Drawing Doctor Who - Open Dalek

9 months ago

The Daleks were a warrior race (TV: The Witch's Familiar, Hell Bent) made up of genetically engineered mutants (TV: The Daleks, Genesis of the Daleks) belonging to fundamental DNA type 467-989. (TV: Daleks in Manhattan) By most accounts they were originally from the planet Skaro. (TV: The Daleks) The mutants were encased inside an armoured travel machine built from polycarbide (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks) and the metal Dalekanium. (TV: The Dalek Invasion of Earth, COMIC: The Humanoids)
On many occasions, the Daleks openly acknowledged a single Time Lord, the Doctor, as their greatest enemy. (TV: The Chase) The Doctor described them likewise, (COMIC: Defender of the Daleks, TV: Victory of the Daleks) and, in their tenth incarnation, stated that a Dalek was "not just metal, it [was] alive," that "inside that shell, there [was] a creature born to hate, whose only thought [was] to destroy everything and everyone that [wasn't] a Dalek, too." (TV: Daleks in Manhattan) The Tenth Doctor also noted that from birth, the Daleks were encased in a cold metal shell unable to feel anything, claiming that was why they "scream[ed]." (TV: Doomsday) The War Doctor also said that Daleks were "not robots", but "savage, incredibly intelligent, living, breathing creatures housed inside a war tank". (PROSE: The Stranger)

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