How to Create HND in Business Unit 22 Product and Service Development on Giant Manufacturing Co. Ltd

9 months ago

How to Create HND in Business Unit 22 Product and Service Development on Giant Manufacturing Co. Ltd

Case Study Report And Presentation

The companies continue to introduce new services or products to their customers. In this assignment we will focus on induction new innovations and designs in these products or services. This assignment focuses on the product design and innovation in the given context. The assignment also looks upon the importance of team word in product development and innovation. All this will be done in context of a selected company named “Giant Bicycles”. At the end, a new product will also be introduced and launched to the company. This assignment will include the complete plan for this purpose.

Table of Contents

Project Introduction:


1.1. Idea Generation

SWOT Analysis:

1.2. Idea Screening

At Giant

1.3. Concept Development & Testing

At Giant

1.4. Business Analysis

Giant Business Analysis

1.5. Product Development

Road E+ 2020 Development

1.6. Test Marketing

Road E+ 2020 Test Marketing

1.7. Commercialization

Marketing Plan

1.8. Launch


2.1. Cost & Mark-up

2.2. Value to customer

2.3. Product Life Cycle





2.4. How Giant Manages Product Cycle

LO3. Design and pitch a new/renovated product or service:

3.1. Product Line of Giant Bicycles

3.2. Description of Product

3.3. Market Research:

3.4. Commercialization Pathway and Business Plan:


4.1. Team Functionality:

4.2. Team work:

4.3. Team Interaction:

4.4. Conflicts Management:



Figure 1‑1: New Product or Service Development" Your Queries:
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