9 months ago

The battle of Kiev in 2022 was not the first great battle of the city, in 1941 the German army took the city after a huge successful encirclement along with 600.000 Russian prisoners.
This despite Stalin having built a lot of bunkers, fortifications and underground tunnels throughout his pre-1939 frontier. And in a historically fascinating turn of events the Ukrainian Military occupied many of these in the fight against the Russian attack in 2022.

In a current war fought on the same battle fields as in 1941 why did a modern Russian 21st Century army not manage to take the city as well? Many people speculated on different theories and ideas about this to an absurd degree. So I went to Ukraine and Kiev to see the front lines myself, and meet with the soldiers who fought and repelled the Russian advance, in order to figure it out and dispel the many speculations.

I wanted to visit the Stalin line bunkers and see how a bunker from the second world war was used and survived a modern war and munitions. While traveling the roads still littered with burned out Tanks and APCs among the burned out towns and villages left ruined after the battle.

This is not a political documentary or sensation news piece, it is a soldiers observation of an old and new battlefield through objective eyes of a historian. And there are obviously many more stories to be told of this battle and of course of the war as it unfolds, but this is about the 2 battles of Kiev only, what happened, how, successes of some and failures by others.
I have gone to great lengths to verify the information presented, from witnesses, documentation and historical record. And will leave politics and the reasoning behind the respective actions for your own interpretation.

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More episodes will follow from the Stalin line bunkers around Kiev for historical record. And also later I will document the Molotov line, the Polish and German bunker and fortified lines respectively.

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