Dog Gets Rescued From A Hot Car

6 years ago

Occurred on July 21, 2017 / St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

Info from Licensor: "As an SPCA officer, we responded to a call for a dog in a car. I decided to video an officer break the window to rescue the dog and take it from the hot car. After the camera stopped the dog was taken from the car, taken to a veterinarian, with an elevated temperature. They brought the temperature down and the dog is fine. We charged the owner for failing to provide adequate ventilation (a $250 fine). The day cost him about $700 (fine, our costs, vet costs and window)."

A poor French Bulldog was found desperately trying to find shelter under a bag in the back seat of a hot car. It was impossible for the small dog to stay cool in the hot car in the Canadian town of St. Catharine’s, Ontario, with temperatures inside the car reading 45 degrees Celsius – that’s 113 Fahrenheit!

“As an SPCA officer, we responded to a call for a dog in a car,” wrote the Lincoln County Humane Society officer. “I decided to video an officer break the window to rescue the dog and take it from the hot car. After the camera stopped the dog was taken from the car, taken to a veterinarian, with an elevated temperature. They brought the temperature down and the dog is fine. We charged the owner for failing to provide adequate ventilation (a $250 fine). The day cost him about $700 (fine, our costs, vet costs and window).”

When officers arrived to save him, the noticed the windows were open a crack, but certainly not wide enough to keep the inside of the car cool.

Watch the moment they free the poor dog in the video.

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