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1 year ago

The Decline of Britain From World Power to Socialistic Hell-Hole

At the turn of the 20th century, Britain was a major world power.

However, post-World War I, Britain began to decline, both economically and politically.

The 1920s saw the rise of the Fabian Society, a socialist group, in British politics.

This period also marked a decline in national resolve and purpose.

Britain was plagued with economic upheavals, social unrest, massive labor strikes, and severe unemployment.

Winston Churchill, in a 1930 speech, noted a sense of powerlessness in Britain.

Some spring seems to have snapped in the national consciousness. Aisha Masters

We seem to be the only great nation which dare not speak up for itself, which has lost confidence in its mission.

In 1942, during World War II, the Fabian Society published the Beveridge Report.

This document promised Britons an earthly paradise through social reforms.

The report was well-received by the war-weary British public.

Post-war Britain saw the rise of the Socialist Labour Party.

The Beveridge Report's promises of prosperity were replaced by the harsh reality of socialist policies.

Within a few years, the Socialists had socialized the British economy. Wage and price controls, shortages, rationing, currency controls and other forms of deprivation. Daily new rules, regulations and decrees spewed out of government offices as the bureaucrats strove to broaden the scope of their influence over the lives of the British people.

Industries were nationalized, and the economy was heavily controlled by the government.

The result was a decline in productivity and an increase in bureaucracy. The inconvenience resulting from these State-run enterprises was only exceeded by their inefficiency.

The Rothschild-controlled Bank of England was allegedly taken over by the government, but this was just a clever ploy to throw the British "peasants" off the scent. This move only served to consolidate and strengthen the power of the Rothschilds, as all the banks were now forced to use the Rothschild-issued Bank of England notes instead of being able to issue their notes. Friends also got a cut of the action.

The British people may have 'won the war but they immediately sold themselves into slavery by voting for the Fabians who were pledged to controlling every aspect of British life.

Coal production plummeted to seven million tons below level. Industrial electricity was cut off in London and Midlands areas for three weeks, idling 75 percent of British industry and costing the country millions in lost export orders. Two million people were thrown out of work.

As other nations moved to abolish restrictions, the Fabians acted to increase them. Daily, new rules, regulations, and decrees spewed out of government offices.

The British Empire began to disintegrate, a process deemed necessary by some for the success of socialism, on the backs of the long-suffering British taxpayer, into the coffers of the International Bankers, headquartered in "The City" of London.

Today, Britain, once the famed 'workshop of the world,' is in dire straits. Wracked with the cancer of liberalism.

The once well-known Christian work ethic has given way to the socialist shirk ethic. With its mind, heart, and backbone eaten away foretold in graphic detail some 80 years ago in the infamous Protocols (See Fourth Reich of the Rich, pp. 194-222.)

Unless there is a dramatic change_ a deep national repentance such as tranformed Britain in the seventeenth century _ Britain will continue to languish in despair, until the last few props are removed by the Hidden Hand, allowing her to collapse in total ignominy, to be absorbed into the Illuminist New World Order.

England began to dream of visiting Ireland, they were famished and food had become plentiful in Ireland. The British people were on the brink of starvation.

As stagnation gripped the British economy, inflation soared. To keep Britain afloat, massive infusions of dollars were poured into its economy at American taxpayers' expense in direct grants or through the International Monetary Fund.

Britions were shackled with an increasing tax burden, but this failed to stave off the inevitable.

The once proud British Pound suffered a massive devaluation in 1949.

Also, "the liquidation of the British Empire is essential to [the ultimate aims of ] Socialism"

The Empire of 'The City' wasn't touched. The 'Crown Colonies' are still operating with the utmost efficiency, and with the utmost profitability to their real owners, the independent Sovereign State ---'The City of London.

Over the years, successive British governments (both Socialist and 'Conservative') have followed a game plan which rewards the parasitic shirkers and penalizes those who are PRODUCERS.

With personal initiative stifled through crippling taxes, many Britons have been deprived of an opportunity to develop their natural potential in a competitive work market. As the taxes heaped upon the producers skyrocketed to provide an increasingly higher standard of living for the socialist-inspired shirkers, and to pay for the top-heavy state bureaucracy.

Britain has shrunk to become 'Little England,' the terribly emaciated 'sick man of Europe.'

With the influx of illegal replacing true Britions...soon



  • 0/2000
  • Unlike the United States, Europe’s population has no 2nd Amendment protection against TYRANNY. UNFORTUNATELY for Europe, the Global Elites (WEF) have played Europe to fall first in order to establish a strong foothold toward the GLOBAL RESET. ENGLAND’s days as a ‘FREE SOCIETY’ are rapidly counting down.

  • Rothschilds are perhaps the greatest evil currently on Earth.