This Close To Darkness

9 months ago

Good For This Whistle Blower. However, She Hasn't Ever Seen Real Darkness. Sellout Co Workers Like That Are a Dime a Dozen As They Say. Every Courthouse, Every Police Station, Every CPS Office, Every Planned Parenthood, Every Military Base, Every Damn So Called Official Government Agency on Every Fucking Level Are Full Of Scum bags Like The Person She Describes Here. These Demonic Fucks Are All Around You Wearing Smiles On Their Faces Acting Like They Are The "Good Guys". Let Us Not Leave Out The Border Patrol Either Here, Who Are Aiding in The Invasion Over Our Border instead of Protecting It. Facilitating Cartel Control and Human Trafficking Over Our Borders And Into Our Communities. Traitors. Millions Of People Need hung For Treason and Unspeakable Crimes Against Humanity. That Is Not Even Getting Started on The Jabbo Genocide and Our So Called Health Workers and Doctors. Evil Everywhere You Go. That Is Why i Trust Nobody. And I Do Mean Nobody. i've Been In Up Close With All These Scum i Mention Here and Then Some. The World Is an Evil Dark Place Coated With Neon Lights.
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