Poland Issues Warning to Zelensky After UN Comments

8 months ago

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has received counsel against engaging in any disparaging remarks about Poland amidst the escalating tensions between the two nations, with some experts suggesting that the friction is linked to the upcoming Polish election.

Poland has been a significant supporter of Kyiv since the commencement of Vladimir Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, offering substantial assistance totaling approximately 4.27 billion euros (approximately $4.54 billion) in military, financial, and humanitarian aid.

Nonetheless, recent weeks have witnessed a deterioration in bilateral relations. This deterioration stems from Warsaw’s decision to uphold the European Union’s ban on Ukrainian agricultural products—a ban initially imposed by Brussels earlier in the year, primarily to safeguard European farmers.

Ukraine initiated legal proceedings against Poland, as well as Slovakia and Hungary, all of whom have expressed their intent to maintain the ban, Newsweek has reported.

READ MORE: https://www.newsweek.com/poland-ukraine-zelensky-morawiecki-warning-1829335

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